How to Cut 10 Pounds in 2 Days

The weight loss process doesn't have to be slow. It also doesn't have to take months of taking bland foods and boring workouts. Expensive workout equipment, books, or magic pills are not necessary for fast weight loss. You only need morale, determination, and the right plan in place to shed off as many pounds as you can in a few days. Here is what you need to know about ways to lose 10 pounds in 2 days.


How Many Calories Do I Need To Burn To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Days?

There are around 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. Quick calculations will tell you that you need to burn 35,000 calories to achieve a 10-pound weight loss.

Since you are losing the weight in two days, you need to cut off around 5 pounds every day. This equates to 17,500 calories each day.

Is It Possible To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Days?

Can you lose 10 pounds in under 48 hours?

An average woman needs 2,000 calories every day if she rests and eats nothing ( 6 ). So, if you do not eat anything for 2 days, you will technically already have a 4,000 calorie deficit. That means you have just smidgen over one pound without eating anything for 48 hours.

Now, you need to make up for the remaining calories through exercises. And to lose another 9 pounds in 2 days, you need to burn an additional 31,000 calories in 48 hours. To achieve that deficit, you could probably choose to run.

According to a table from the American Council on Exercise, a 120-pound person can burn 11.4 calories every minute while running ( 2 ). So, assuming you run for 10 minutes, then you would have lost 114 calories.

To burn the additional 31,000 calories in 48 hours, you need to run for about 2,720 minutes, which equates to 45 hours. Thus, to possibly lose 10 pounds in 2 days, you have to eat nothing, rest for only 3 hours, and run for 45 hours!

Math aside, you can't sprint for 45 hours in just two days. Even if you are an ultra-marathoner, that is simply impossible. Would you even dare to try it? Hence, it is impossible to try to cut 10 pounds in under 48 hours. So, aim for other realistic goals such as losing 10 pounds in a week or even several months.

Read More: Creating A Diet Plan: A Detailed Playbook On Finding Your Own Dieting Rhythm

lose 10 pound in 2 day

So, What Is The Fastest Way To Lose Weight, And How Many Days Will It Take?

One of the fastest methods to shed off pounds is to follow the military diet.

The 7-day diet plan for weight loss claim you could lose up to 10 pounds in one week ( 14 ). It works by restricting your daily calorie intake, and a website dedicated to providing information about the diet further claims that it can help you lose 30 pounds in just a month.

According to a review article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDs) can be effective in helping you achieve a short-term weight loss ( 3 ). Hence, the military diet will certainly help you achieve your desired results in the shortest time possible.

3-Day Military Diet Plan For Fast Weight Loss

Here is a sample 3-day meal plan you can follow. Even if you are looking for ways to lose 20 pounds in a month or 2 weeks, this diet will help you achieve your goals ( 17 ).

All the foods included in this strategy are supposed to be adhered to strictly. No snacks are permitted in between meals.

First Day


  • A half slice of grapefruit
  • A slice of whole-grain bread
  • Two tablespoons of salt-free and sugar-free peanut butter
  • A cup of caffeinated tea or coffee

3 day military diet


  • A half-cup of tuna
  • A slice of whole-grain bread
  • A cup of caffeinated tea or coffee


  • Three ounces of meat; could be pork or any other type
  • A cup full of green beans
  • A banana
  • One medium-sized apple
  • A cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream

Second Day


  • An egg
  • A slice of whole-grain bread
  • A banana


  • A hard-boiled egg
  • A cup of fresh cottage cheese
  • Five saltine crackers


  • Two hot dogs without buns
  • A cup of freshly chopped broccoli
  • A half-cup of baby carrots
  • A banana
  • A cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream

Third Day


  • Five saltine crackers
  • A slice of fresh cheddar cheese
  • A medium-sized apple


  • A hard-boiled egg
  • A slice of whole-grain bread


  • A cup of tuna
  • One banana
  • A cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream

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3-Day Vegetarian Diet Plan For Fast Weight Loss

If you are a vegetarian, then you don't have to kiss your veggies goodbye. Here is a sample meal plan that will be of great assistance when it comes to losing water weight fast ( 7 ).

First Day


  • A half grapefruit
  • A slice of whole-grain bread
  • Two tablespoons of peanut butter
  • A cup of caffeinated tea or coffee


  • A half avocado
  • Two tablespoons of hummus
  • A slice of whole-grain bread
  • A cup of caffeinated tea or coffee


  • 300 calories of tofu
  • A cup of boiled green beans
  • A banana
  • A medium-sized apple
  • A cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream (You can also use a dairy-free ice cream)

Second Day


  • A half-cup of baked beans
  • A slice of whole-grain toast
  • One banana


  • A cup of hemp, unsweetened soy, or almond milk
  • A slice of avocado
  • Two tablespoons of hummus
  • Five saltine crackers


  • Two veggie hot dogs without buns
  • A cup of fresh broccoli
  • A half-cup of baby carrots
  • One banana
  • A cup of vanilla-seasoned or dairy-free ice cream

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Third Day


  • A slice of fresh cheddar cheese
  • 15 to 20 almonds
  • Five saltine crackers
  • A half-cup of quinoa or couscous
  • One medium-sized apple


  • A slice of avocado
  • A tablespoon of hummus
  • A slice of whole-grain bread


  • A half-cup of canned chickpeas
  • One banana
  • A cup of vanilla-seasoned or dairy-free ice cream

For the remaining 4 days, you are free to eat whatever you want. However, you need to make sure your daily calorie intake is less than 1,500 calories.

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Tips On How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Days

If you want to shed off pounds at a faster rate, then here are some tips that can help you do so. Regardless of whether you are looking for ways to lose weight in a week or in several months, these tips will work for you ( 15 ).

  • Forget Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises don't work for short-term weight loss. Running on a treadmill or taking a walk will burn less than 300 calories in an hour.

You want to burn more than that every day to lose considerable pounds of weight every week.

You can achieve your goals through resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). These exercises will help you maintain your muscle strength and mass as you cut off some pounds.

Resistance exercises work by depleting your body's energy stores and water weight. This leads to faster weight loss ( 9 ). The training will also protect your hormone levels and metabolism, which often reduce when you are dieting ( 12 ).

High-intensity exercises are also another effective way to boost the pace of your weight loss. Researchers have found that 5 to 10 minutes of HIIT training has similar weight loss and health benefits as five times the amount of regular exercise. Just like resistance training, this will also reduce your fat stores and boost your metabolism and fat-burning hormones ( 5 ).

Read More: HIIT Workouts With Weights: This Hardcore Strength-Boosting Routine Is Sure To Leave You Sore

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  • Cut Refined Carbs From Your Diet

Decreasing your carbohydrate intake can go a long way in helping you cut extra fats.

Refined carbs have their grains stripped of the germ and bran content resulting in a final product with no fibers and adequate nutrients. These carbohydrates have a higher glycaemic index (GI), making your blood sugar levels crash and spike, resulting in hunger.

Research shows that a diet with refined carbs is responsible for increased belly fat.

On the other hand, a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and whole grains is associated with low body mass index (BMI), a smaller waist, and lesser body weight ( 8 ).

To get started, replace refined carbs foods such as pasta, white bread, and pastries with whole grains like quinoa, oats, buckwheat, and so forth.

  • Take A Lot Of Proteins

Including proteins in your diet is one of the most effective ways to burn more calories and reduce your appetite.

Multiple studies have shown that eating proteins could pose a lower risk of having belly fat ( 11 ). What's more, another study showed that the micronutrient could preserve your muscle when you are losing weight.

Taking a lot of proteins could also make you feel full for longer, decrease your appetite, reduce the number of calories you take, and aid in the shedding of kilograms.

Here is the amount of proteins you should take daily. Many factors determine how much of this micronutrient you need. However, a normal person needs the following average quantities ( 10 ):

  • 46 grams to 75 grams each day for  women
  • 56 grams to 91 grams each day for men

Healthy sources of proteins include the following:

  • Whole eggs with their yolk
  • Plant-based proteins such as quinoa, bean, legumes, tofu, and tempeh
  • Seafood and fish such as shrimp, salmon, and trout
  • Meat such as chicken, pork, lamb, and beef

lose 30 pounds in 30 days

  • Slot In More Sleep

Going to bed earlier than usual or waking up a little later could prevent weight gain and boost your calorie-burning capacity. Several studies have shown a connection between weight loss and getting enough sleep.

One study included 68,183 female subjects. It found out that those that slept for 5 or fewer hours every night for 16 years were more likely to gain weight. Those that slept for more than 7 hours every night were less likely to gain weight ( 1 ).

Another study found out that getting a 7-hour sleep per night could increase the chances of weight loss by around 33%.

Scientists believe that lack of sleep contributes to increased appetite, alterations in hunger hormones, and a high risk of obesity.

Even though everyone needs to sleep for a different amount of hours, many research types show that getting seven hours of sleep every night has the most benefits as far as weight loss is concerned ( 13 ).

To get enough sleep, do not take caffeine and minimize using electric devices such as television, laptop, and phone before you go to bed.

  • Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is another method that can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.

This type of fasting involves cycles of eating and starving.

Researchers have shown that this type of fasting can help enhance the pace of your fat loss.

One study showed the effects of trying out intermittent and alternate-day fasting. It found out that the alternate-type reduced body weight by around 7% and decreased fats in the body by 12 pounds in just 3 to 12 weeks.

Another study showed that eating during an 8-hour window every day can help maintain muscle strength and mass and decrease fat mass when combined with weight lifting ( 4 ).

There are several types of intermittent fasting, and the popular types include the Warrior Diet, 16/8 method, 5:2 diet, and Eat-Stop-Eat way. Choose one variation that suits your lifestyle and schedule.

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Dangers Of Extreme Weight Loss In Few Days

Although you fancy losing a lot of weight in less time, health practitioners recommend a steady one pound method to two pounds every week ( 16 ).

Losing weight too quickly can backfire in the following ways:

  • You will miss important nutrients since you are on a diet. If you are a child, then this is very dangerous to you. You're putting yourself at risk of nutrient deficiencies.
  • Your metabolism will slow down. The more weight you lose, the more your metabolism slows down.
  • You will lose muscles instead of fat as calorie-restrictive diets might cause your body to break down muscles for more fuel and energy.
  • You will become dehydrated as you will rapidly lose water weight. This might result in other effects such as headaches, muscle cramps, constipation, and low body energy ( 18 ).
  • Low-calorie diets will increase the levels of leptin hormones. This could result in a desire to eat more. You will be hungrier, ravenous, and likely to overeat.
  • Your mental health will be affected if you don't get the benefits you wanted. You might even experience further body image worries.

The Bottom Line

It is impossible and dreadful to lose 10 pounds in 2 days, as you need more time to achieve your 10-pound target. It could be a week, several weeks, or even months. Use the tips in this article to fasten the pace at which you lose weight.



This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1.  Association between reduced sleep and weight gain in women (2006,
  2.  Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights (2004,
  3.  Effects of anti-obesity drugs, diet, and exercise on weight-loss maintenance after a very-low-calorie diet or low-calorie diet: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials1,2,3 (2014,
  4.  Effects of eight weeks of time-restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in resistance-trained males (2016,
  5.  High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss (2010,
  6.  How many calories should I eat a day? (2018,
  7.  How to lose water weight naturally (2018,
  8.  Intake of whole grains, refined grains, and cereal fiber measured with 7-d diet records and associations with risk factors for chronic disease (2009,
  9. Muscle metabolism during intense, heavy-resistance exercise (1986,
  10. Protein for Life: Review of Optimal Protein Intake, Sustainable Dietary Sources and the Effect on Appetite in Ageing Adults (2018,
  11. Quality protein intake is inversely related with abdominal fat (2012,
  12. Resistance weight training during caloric restriction enhances lean body weight maintenance (1988,
  13. Sleep and obesity (2013,
  14. Weight loss meal plans (2020,
  15. Weight loss: 6 strategies for success (2019,
  16. What is healthy weight loss? (2020,
  17. What is the military diet and does it work? (2020,
  18. What you should know about dehydration (2017,

How to Cut 10 Pounds in 2 Days


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