Is Dane Cook on Funny or Die

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  1. Thump

    Thump Hating the environment since 1994

  2. Well, I don't know about little kids, but you know... young'uns, the ones most crappy pop culture stuff is aimed at.
  3. jwinslow

    jwinslow A MAN OF BETRAYED JUSTICE Staff Member Tourney Pick'em Champ

    I can't stand the constant grunting and chortling (intended to be laughter?) at his own greatness. That might be unfair to nickelback. Can't remember what age you teach, but I'd think you know about the lack of parenting at times...
  4. c'mon guys this jerkoff is the king of douchebags. He is unbearable and the sight of him triggers the remote to turn the channel at my house.
  5. Dane is one of my favorites. His new stand up was on Comedy Central last night. Fucking hilarious.

    Oh, by the way, if you don't like him, I don't give a flying fuck.

    If there is anyone here that hates Dane, but likes Jeff Dunham, go fucking shoot yourself in the face.

  6. Dave Attell or nothing.

    [ame=]YouTube - Racist Dinosaur - Dave Attell[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Dave Attel on drinking[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Dave Attell - Middle East[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Dave Attell - Florida[/ame]

  7. I'm a fan of Dave Attell also, but this is a Dane Cook thread. :lol:

    The shit about Dane "stealing jokes" is fucking lame. I've watched every one of his specials. I've also watched a shit ton of other comedians. Hell, when I was younger, I watched "Evening at the Improv" every single time it was on A&E for years. I've heard a bunch of comedians with similar jokes. Stand up isn't so much about the "situation" as it is about each individual comics take on the situation. The comics that whine about people stealing jokes, like Jim Brewer and Joe Rogan, are un-funny douches that are jealous that Dane has a larger following than they ever will.

    Dane's bit about emailing him about Dane's parents both passing away from cancer within nine months of each other had me in tears. Fucking priceless.

  8. The only thing that's lame about Dane stealing jokes is.. that he's stealing jokes.
  9. :roll1: List a few jokes he's stolen. Please. I'm begging you. Give me five jokes that other comedians perfomed before him. kthnx
  10. I don't listen to Dane Cook. I'd rather laugh at something that's funny, rather than loud. :wink:

    If this were a claim being made by a few people, I wouldn't assume he's doing it.. but a whole bunch of people accuse him of doing this. Where there's smoke...

  11. Yeah, he's not funny. It's only a bunch of idiots that like Dane Cook. You're too cool to like him. Gimme a fuckin' break.

    Who are the "whole bunch of people" accusing him of "doing this"? So far, I've heard Jim Brewer and Joe Rogan. Both of whom I consider to be not funny at all, and it seems most agree, considering I haven't heard shit from Jim Brewer for years, and Joe Rogan can't get Chuck Liddell's cock out of his mouth long enough to say something funny.

    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  12. BuckNutty

    BuckNutty Hear The Drummer Get Wicked Staff Member Bookie


    To each his own, but Dane Cook is a douche.

  13. I have no problem with people not liking his particular style. That's understandable. But for those same people to say that the reason they can't fucking stand him is because he yells, then they turn around and say how cool Sam Kinnison was, is absurd.

    I also have a problem with people saying he steals jokes. I'd bet that I've watched way more stand up than the average person, and I've found more than a couple times when a comedian would say a similar joke to someone else's. That's what stand up is to me. It's a situation, but with a different perspective. How many comedians joke about sex, religion, politics,'s all in the p.o.v. and the delivery.

    I know you say you don't like him, but I'd really reccomend giving his newest stand up a shot. He doesn't yell much, if at all. It's very relaxed. It's in a small club, not a stadium, and he talks about some real shit. REAL shit.

  14. I'm talking about fans, too. Loads of people have said he stole jokes.. I don't listen to him, or much comedy at all, so I can't just pull five jokes out of my ass that he's stolen. As far as I'm concerned, if he's stolen one, he's a piece of shit.

    I generally find it un-funny when people try really hard to be funny. Considering that's what comics do for a living, it's not really my thing. I'm not hating on Dane Cook just because he's Dane Cook. I'm hating on him because he yells a lot and makes an ass of himself to be funny, and I don't find his particular brand of loud/ass comedy to be funny. Has nothing to do with me thinking I'm too cool to like him. I don't give a shit what people think of what I like. One of my favorite movies is a fucking animated kids' movie. I like what I like.. if you think I'm too cool to like Dane Cook, you're too cool to like Jeff Dunham.

    (I don't like Jeff Dunham, either, btw. :p)

    EDIT: My favorite comedians are Mitch Hedberg, George Carlin and Bill Hicks.

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